
Stop Petland Puppy Sales

For many years, the Humane Society of the United States has been waging a campaign to end dog abuse and neglect in puppy mills all over our country. An eight-month investigation by the HSUS has reveal that America's largest chain of puppy-selling pet stores, Petland Inc., is also the nation's largest retail supporter of puppy mills. Many Petland stores across the country are marketing puppy mill puppies to unsuspecting consumers.

When I initially saw this news of the HSUS focus on Petland, I didn't really realize it was a battle being waged here in the Midwest. I didn't even know there were Petland stores here in our area, but there is actually one in Topeka and several in KC. I don't know if they still sell puppies at the Kansas and Missouri stores, but clearly stores all over the nation are still making money from the sale of puppy mill puppies. It sickens me that the staff people in those stores have the audacity to say their puppies come from the best breeders in the country. What responsible breeder would ever sell their puppies to a pet store where they have absolutely no control or say in that dog's future!?

It's hard to believe that there are still people in our country who don't know what a bad idea it is to buy puppies from pet stores and on the Internet. Unfortunately, those people still exist. You can help educate your friends, neighbors and relatives about the problem of puppy mills by signing the HSUS pledge and forwarding the link to others to have them do the same. There are many other things you can do to join this fight against puppy mills!

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