
Dangerous Dog Toys

Today's post is about saving a dog in a different kind of way. A friend sent me link to a blog this morning called The Chai Story. It's a story about a dog who was horribly injured from a poorly designed dog toy made by a company called Four Paws. The story is so terribly sad, but it needs to be publicized so that every dog owner knows NOT to let their dog play with the "pimple ball with bell" toy. It is extremely dangerous.

In addition, the company apparently had been contacted about the design problem several years ago when another dog was actually put down because his injuries from this ball were so severe. The company claimed they would recall and redesign the product and yet failed to do so until recently. They need to be held accountable for their negligence. You can email them at hbirk@fourpaws.com to voice your concern and displeasure. The email works--I just used it!


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