
Shelter Sheltie

In my last post I talked about people I know personally who've recently purchased dogs from breeders instead of rescuing dogs from shelters. My own cousin was one of those people. When his step-father recently expressed interest in a Sheltie after his mom's Cocker Spaniel passed away, he went out and bought them one, despite the fact that they didn't know much about the breed. Now they have a very young, very active, slightly crazy Sheltie that they're not sure how to deal with.

Had my cousin consulted me, I could would have found him the perfect dog, because she showed up at the shelter just a few weeks later. Her name is Laila, and she just couldn't be more precious! She's about four years old, but she's active and playful and goofy just like a puppy. She is incredibly friendly and affectionate and would make an incredible agility or freestyle dog. This precious girl was rescued from a puppy mill by the Kansas Animal Health Department, where she was clearly being used for breeding. She would have been the perfect dog for my aunt and uncle, and I'm so sad that my cousin never asked me to find her!

Check out this adorable, goofy girl. Doesn't she look like she's dancing??


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