
For the Love of the Breed

I've said before that finding the puppy you want through a rescue is possible, even if it's a purebred or designer dog you're wanting. Here's a wonderful story to prove my point.

A few years ago, a friend of mine called wanting input on how to find a good breeder. She had done lots of research on dog breeds and had decided that she wanted a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel puppy. While I'm certainly not an expert in the area of purchasing purebreds, I tried to share with her what I know about responsible breeders and some ways she might get in touch with one. However, since I generally don't encourage people to buy purebreds in the first place, I also made sure to remind her about how she could search for specific breeds on Petfinder. Although I knew the shelter where I volunteer wouldn't have what she wanted, I thought there was a chance that another Spaniel-ish puppy on Petfinder might catch her eye.

To make a long story short(er), my friend e-mailed me a few weeks later to share some exciting news: not only had she and her husband found their Cavalier puppy, but they'd found it through Petfinder at a rescue just a few miles away in Independence, Missouri! I couldn't have been more excited! They found this adorable little puppy, which was exactly what they wanted, and they saved a life as well!

Many people don't understand that even adopting a very adoptable dog from a no-kill shelter or rescue saves a life. While that puppy might not be in danger of euthanasia, when he or she is adopted, space is created at that shelter or rescue for a new dog--one who might very well have been in danger of being put down. When compared to purchasing from a breeder, adopting from a shelter saves lives!

My friend just couldn't love her Cavalier more, and she certainly wouldn't have loved her more had she come from a breeder! Once she fell in love with Lucy, she fell in love with the breed as well, and just recently she started fostering a homeless Cavalier for Cavalier Rescue USA! I was so thrilled that her love of one little rescued puppy grew into the love of a breed and an overall concern for that breed's welfare!


Anonymous said...

Awww, Kim. Thanks for talking about our story. :) I do love these little doggies, and now I am thinking - how am I gonna give up the one I am fostering. Before you know it, I'll have a whole herd of Cavaliers. :) Thanks for being such an advocate for the dogs at shelters and rescues!

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